It is not always easy to find or buy South African products in Canada. When we decided to move to Canada, we also made the decision to use more local stores and products and to adapt to the local way of doing things.
We are very fortunate on this side of Vancouver, to have two chain stores that sells South African products like, Ouma Rusks, Chutney, Curry Powders, Guava and Mix Fruit salads, Tennis and Ginger Biscuits and sometimes Nestlé's Caramel Treat. But the easiest, if you do not live close to stores like me, is to make it yourself.
My son, Alwyn's, favourite is Peppermint Crisp tart. And I promised him one for the weekend. Because of Covid-19, we only go to shop once a week and unfortunately the stores shelves are rather on the empty side, with very less South African anything on there. That's why I decided to make my own caramel treat and it was so-easy. The instructions for the HomeMade caramel treat is under Recipes / HomeMade. For the Peppermint Crisp chocolate, I've use a Walmart brand Peppermint chocolate.